[2019.1~2023.12] 基于“成分构成-靶标网络-生物效应”多维整合的中药质量标志物发现与确认,国家自然科学基金重点项目(项目批准号:81830111),项目参与人.
[2014.12~2017.12] 基于代谢组学的元胡止痛方药代标志物与生物标志物关联模型研究, 山东省自然科学基金面上项目(项目批准号:ZR2014HM031, 结题评价等级: 优秀),项目负责人.
[2013.01~2016.12] 基于谱效直接关联的复方中药质量评价新模式的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目批准号:81274080),项目参与人.
[2006.10-2009.10] 应用谱-效结合模式建立山东大宗道地药材质量综合评价体系的研究,国家科技支撑计划(项目批准号:2006BAI06A02-03),项目参与人.
·A simple and efficient linear gradient coupled with inner-recycling high-speed counter-current chromatography mode for the preparative separation of flavonoid glycosides from leaves of custard apple, Xiangyun Song, Ke Li, Li Cui, Jinqian Yu, Iftikhar Ali, Heng Zhu, Qianqian Wang, Xiao Wang, Daijie Wang, Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1615, 460719.
·TCM-ADMEpred: A novel strategy for poly-pharmacokinetics prediction of traditional Chinese medicine based on single constituent pharmacokinetics, structural similarity, and mathematical modeling,Ping Wang#, Ke Li#, Ye Tao, Defeng Li, Yi Zhang, Haiyu Xu, Hongjun Yang, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2019, 236: 277-287.
·Identification of quality markers of Yuanhu Zhitong tablets based on integrative pharmacology and data mining,Li Ke#, Li Junfang#, Su Jin, Xiao Xuefeng, Peng Xiujuan, Liu Feng, Li Defeng, Zhang Yi, Chong Tao, Xu Haiyu, Liu Changxiao, Yang Hongjun, Phytomedicine, 2018, 44: 212-219.
·Study on the Absorbed Fingerprint-Efficacy of Yuanhu Zhitong Tablet Based on Chemical Analysis, Vasorelaxation Evaluation and Data Mining, Haiyu Xu#, Ke Li#, Yanjun Chen, Yingchun Zhang, Shihuan Tang, Shanshan Wang, Dan Shen, Xuguang Wang, Yun Lei, Defeng Li, Yi Zhang, Lan Jin, Hongjun Yang, Luqi Huang, PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(12): e81135.
·Annular bounds for polynomial zeros and Schur stability of difference, Ke Li, Jin Liang, Advances in Difference Equations, 2011(1): 1-11.
·A new stability criterion for polynomials with the quasi-critical condition, Jin Liang, Ke Li, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2008, 9(3): 289-292.
·New existence and uniqueness theorems of positive fixed points for mixed monotone operators with perturbation, Ke Li, Jin Liang, Ti-Jun Xiao, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007, 328 (2): 753-766.
·An existence and uniqueness theorem of positive fixed points for convex operators, Ke Li, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 2006, 11(1): 47-57.
·Positive fixed points for nonlinear operators, Ke Li, Jin Liang, Ti-Jun Xiao, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 2005, 50 (10-12): 1569-1578.
·A fixed point theorem for convex and decreasing operators, Ke Li, Jin Liang, Ti-Jun Xiao, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 2005, 63(5-7): e209-e216.
·基于整合药理学的中药质量标志物发现与应用,第五届中国科协优秀科技论文遴选计划优秀论文(排名: 3),2020.
·基于谱效相关黄芩及提取物提取工艺优化及质量评价技术提升与应用,山东中医药科学技术奖,二等奖(排名: 6),2020.
·丹参、金银花、黄芩系列产品谱-效相关评价技术集成创新及应用, 山东省科学技术进步奖,二等奖(排名: 5),2019.
·基于整合药理学策略的中药成分群-体内过程-药效活性的关联性研究,中国中西医结合学会科学技术奖,一等奖(排名: 5),2014.
·山东大宗道地药材谱-效相关质量评价新模式,山东省科学技术进步奖,一等奖(排名: 9),2011.